TikTok Marketing

We help scale brands with TikTok marketing & advertising.

Why TikTok

TikTok users come to the platform to discover new products and be inspired by how others use them. TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users and the average user opens the app eight times per day. TikTok has the most extensive organic reach out of any social media platform, allowing you to rapidly grow your brand presence without paying for advertising.

Our team is up-to-date with trending content and their creators allowing you to leverage engaging narratives and relevant conversations.

Advertising on TikTok is powerful

You can use interest, custom & lookalike audiences to have in-depth targeting options to reach the right users with the right content. TikTok offers tools in their creative studio that allow you to repurpose your existing content into your ads.

The Process

Unlock Results with 4 Proven Steps

Audience & Brand Analysis

We look at your social platforms, existing content and ad account performance to understand best how we can drive growth.

Content Production

Combining audience & brand analysis with our extensive experience, we design and produce content to achieve your goals.

Influencer Outreach

Apart from producing your branded content, we work with influencers creating a bespoke content that matches your brand spirit.

Media Buying

We apply the best-in-class buying strategy to each campaign, tailored to achieve the desired results and meet your KPIs.